The damage caused by humans to nature and the planet they live in in the last century is much greater than the damage done in the entire history of humanity. The world is under great threat for many reasons, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in agricultural areas, industrial wastes released into the nature by factories, cosmetic products that people use unconsciously, and billions of tons of plastics released into the nature in an uncontrolled manner. As global warming and a series of environmental disasters have become more evident in recent years, various action plans have been developed by both individuals and states to combat this situation. The organic living trend is of great importance in protecting both nature and human health.
Before the benefits of using organic clothing , it is necessary to know what the word organic means. Because of the incorrect definition of this concept, non-organic products can be put on the market with the organic label, sometimes intentionally or unconsciously. For a garment to be organic, the raw material from which its fabric is produced must be organic. The fact that the raw material is organic depends on it going through an organic production and processing process. Considering cotton, which is an organic fabric raw material; It should not come into contact with any non-organic processes and substances from the first moment the seeds begin to be planted until the last moment the product is processed and delivered to the final consumer. Not using pesticides in the soil where cotton will be planted, not adding chemical fertilizers to the soil to increase productivity, and choosing organic dyes instead of synthetic dyes when dyeing the fabric are the first conditions for obtaining organic fabric. There are many advantages to using organic clothing made from organic fabrics.
Organic Clothes; Healthy
Non-organic lifestyle causes great harm, above all, to human health. The use of chemical products during the cultivation of fabric raw materials causes these chemicals to transfer to the fabric in the form of spray. Since chemical residues do not pass through washing, they reach humans as the final textile product. Non-organic clothing may cause skin rashes or allergies. This effect is especially stronger in individuals with sensitive skin. By using organic clothing , the skin is protected from such allergic effects.
However, clothes made from non-organic raw materials also cause much more serious harm than allergies. Harmful components that pass into the skin and are absorbed through clothes can cause many important health problems, especially skin cancer, in the long run. By choosing organic clothing , all such damages can be eliminated.
Organic Clothes; Can Be Used for a Long Time
Clothes made using organic fabric can be used for many years without deterioration. Organic fabrics with strong fibers do not wear out easily under correct use and care conditions. Although at first glance it may seem more expensive than synthetic clothing, it can be said that they are less costly in the long run due to their longevity. Clothes made of ordinary synthetic fabrics deteriorate and lose color after a few washes; This kind of problem is not encountered in clothes produced using organic fabrics.
Organic Clothes; Ecofriendly
Adopting an organic lifestyle and using organic clothing as part of this means protecting nature as well as human health. Since the raw materials to be used in textile fabrics are organic, usable agricultural soils are not polluted with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This ensures sustainability in agricultural production. Not using chemical fertilizers and pesticides also creates the advantage of protecting underground water resources. Protecting water is of great importance, especially in order to delay the future when major droughts are inevitably predicted.
The use of organic clothing is environmentally friendly during the cultivation as well as processing of fabric raw materials. The use of chemicals in different processes applied to process synthetic fabrics creates heavy industrial waste. Even when these wastes are treated, they can cause great harm to the environment. In addition, the use of synthetic dyes to dye textile products also pollutes the environment. Thanks to organic clothing, it is possible to be protected from all these negativities. Choosing organic clothing and organic textile products is an important step in order to leave a cleaner and livable world to future generations.
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